Forming up...

Filed under: by: Fr. Steve

I just looked at a map of the churches in four of the major Provinces in the Continuum (ACC, APCK, UECNA, and just for the heck of it, the APA). I found that in my home state of North Carolina, there would be 14 churches. That's enough to form a Diocese. I haven't looked for other states, but I'm sure it holds true for most of the states that the Continuum are in.

I'm not advocating leaving the Provinces that these churches are in. No, I would advocate, instead, for union between them all and the formation of Dioceses, and perhaps some Archdioceses (to keep geography to a minimum). You could take the current Dioceses in the four Provinces (say for the Southeastern United States) and merge them all into one Archdiocese. Then form Dioceses and Missionary Dioceses as the needs fit for each state. There are plenty of Bishops to go around, so each Diocese and Missionary Diocese would likely have a Bishop. Once we run out of Bishops, then we can start electing for the Dioceses that don't have one.

Now, of course all of this is just wishful thinking. But I think it can be done within my lifetime, if not within the next 10 years if we work at it.